Design Awards submittal, all required documents, and registration fee(s) are due no later than Friday, June 6th at 5:00PM CST.
Registration Fees:
- AIA Member Entry: $195
- Non-Member Entry: $650
- Divine Detail Entry: $95
- Student Entry: $50
Please submit your registration fee via the AIA Design Awards registration page. If hyperlink does not work, copy and paste the following link into your preferred web browser:
The AIA Houston Design Awards program recognizes design excellence in architecture, residential architecture, interior architecture, restoration/renovation, divine detail, urban design, on the boards, and conceptual. Criteria to be used by the jury include quality of design, resolution of the program idea, sustainable responsibility, innovation, thoughtfulness, and technique.
Projects located in the Houston metropolitan area designed by an architect registered in the US; or projects, regardless of location, designed by an architect registered in Texas practicing in the Houston metropolitan area.
Built projects must have been completed after August 1, 2020, except for special requirements in the Urban Design category. On projects where construction is phased, only completed phases are eligible. Where one firm is not the sole author, all participants in the design work must be credited on the Entry Form. AIA Houston reserves the right to disqualify any entry not submitted in accordance with the rules.
If there are architectural elements that were pre-existing on the project and designed by another architect, that architect should be identified on the entry form. For instance, an addition to an existing building should identify the architect of the existing building where practicable and should clearly delineate for the jurors the addition from what existed before the project.
To help us better understand how your project’s design addresses sustainability, resilience, and inclusiveness, and in support of AIA National’s Framework for Design Excellence, we ask that you fill out the Common App Questionnaire. This is an opportunity for you to showcase performance data and relevant information in this context. We do not expect projects to address all aspects of the Framework for Design Excellence.
NOTE: The Common App is NOT required for the Conceptual, On the Boards or Divie Detail categories. Fill out the Common App to the best of your ability. You will not be penalized if left incomplete.
Fields that are not relevant can be marked “N/A.”
The Common App is a document (in Excel) created by AIA to capture project performance metrics and simplify the awards submissions process across AIA components.
Built Projects
Built projects may be submitted for recognition in the following categories. The jury may move a project to a different category. LEED, AIA COTE guidelines, or other demonstrable environmental responses should be included with each entry and will be considered in judging.
- Architecture Greater Than 50,000 SF
- Architecture Less Than 50,000 SF
- Residential Architecture: Residential projects include single-family houses and multi-family projects up to 20 units. Large-scale apartment or condominium projects must be submitted under Architecture.
- Interior Architecture
- Renovation/Restoration: Restoration, renovation, or rehabilitation of existing buildings including adaptive reuse. A non-integrated addition to an existing building should be submitted under Architecture.
- Divine Detail: Recognizes architectural ingenuity in using a particular material, detail, or building technology.
Unbuilt Projects
- Urban Design: Urban Design projects must have an active client. Submittals may include urban design projects, planning programs, civic improvements, environmental programs, and redevelopment projects. Portions of the project must be under implementation; however, the whole project need not be completed. The Project Description must include the implementation schedule.
- On The Boards: This category is for unrealized or uncompleted work for an active client.
- Conceptual: This category is for conceptual work not for an active client.
NOTE: Student submissions are welcome, but must have a faculty sponsor.
All entries must be anonymous. Your name and/or firm name should not appear anywhere except where indicated on the entry form. For every entry, please prepare the following:
1. One Project Presentation PDF
- Pages should be 11 x 8.5 inches, and oriented horizontally (landscape).
- The first slide (title slide) must include: one photo of the project, the project title, project total square footage, and project location.
- Slide two of the presentation should include the project description with bullet points and/or a brief paragraph describing the project, all on a white back background.
- The narrative must describe the project in no more than 300 words. Include program requirements, design solutions, and information supporting objectives such as sustainability, energy-efficient performance, etc. This slide should include the project name; it may also include an image.
- A PDF file containing a maximum of 21 pages (20 pages + one sustainability page). Submittals may not contain transitions, sound, animation, video clips, panorama movies, hyperlinks, or links to other files. Images must be a minimum of 150 DPI.
- Pre-existing architectural elements not designed as part of the project, but visible in the images, should be clearly marked as pre-existing and the prior architect should be credited.
- All projects (except Interior Architecture) must include a site plan or aerial photography.
- All plans and elevations should be clearly marked with a north arrow or directional identification.
- For Renovation/Restoration projects, indicate pre-existing conditions with plans and/or photographs.
- For Interior Architecture projects, include floor plans and one exterior photograph of the building for reference.
- The presentation will be shown via Adobe Acrobat with enhanced thin-line OFF
- Do not identify architects, designers, or firms in the file name or on any image. File name should include award year, project name, and ProjectPresentation, e.g. 2025_ProjectName_ProjectPresentation.pdf.
2. One Project Image
- A 7"x5", 300 DPI image. The image will be used for the Design Awards Publication, in which all submittals will be published.
- Do not identify architects, designers, or firms in the file name or on any image. File name should include award year, project name, and ImageForPub, e.g. 2025_ProjectName_ImageForPub.jpeg.
3. One Common App Questionnaire: Download HERE.
- Do not identify architects, designers, or firms in the file name. File name should include award year, project name, and CommonApp, e.g. 2025_ProjectName_CommonApp.xlsx.
Named in honor of Ben Brewer, FAIA, for distinguished service to the profession and his significant influence on young professionals. This award recognizes excellence in ability, exceptional work, and significant contributions in the practice of architecture by architects who are in their first 10 years of practice.*
The Award will be given for exceptional work and general excellence in the practice of architecture. The jury will consider contributions to team activities as well as individual efforts in its evaluative process. The Award is intended to recognize accomplishment rather than promise alone.
The range of activities for which an individual may be considered includes, but is not limited to: design, education, service to the profession, public service, historic preservation, research, urban design, government, industry, or architectural practice.
Nominations may be made by any AIA Houston member or firm. Nominees must be members of AIA Houston and may be in practice alone or in association with others.
*Previously, only architects who had been licensed for fewer than 10 years were eligible. Now, the award is open to individuals who have been licensed for fewer than 120 months, and the months need not be consecutive. This adjustment reflects a recognition that many in our profession take time away from practice during the initial stage of their career for differing reasons, including to bear and raise children. The change allows AIAH to recognize individuals who may be more than 10 years out of architecture school, but who have been in practice for fewer than 10 years.
Call for nominations are due on or before March 31, 2025
A nomination consists of:
- A brief biography of the nominee including the date of licensure, no more than three typewritten pages.
- A listing and description of the nominee’s accomplishments, no more than three typewritten pages.
- Letters of recommendation from at least three (3) individuals who are familiar with the nominee in the particular capacity for which the Award is recommended. These letters should state why this candidate should be considered for the Award and refer to his/her accomplishments. Letters from clients, consultants, and civic leaders are encouraged.
- A portfolio containing detailed documentation of representative work in which the candidate was involved. The jury will consider contributions to team activities. Documentation should consist of written materials, photographic prints, reproduction of drawings and/or any other items that will aid jurors in evaluating the candidate’s accomplishments. No models or slides will be accepted.
The winner will receive a travel stipend from the Architecture Center Houston Foundation and will be honored at the annual Celebrate Architecture Gala on MAY 17, 2025
Submission Deadline - MARCH 31, 2025 5:00PM
The AIA Houston Firm Award is given annually to a Houston architecture firm that has consistently produced distinguished architecture for a period of at least ten years.
A firm may nominate itself.
Please note: This award will be presented at the Celebrate Architecture Gala on May 17, 2025.
Firms submitting for this award are expected to purchase a table at the Gala to be considered.
Nominations are due on or before MARCH 31, 2025, and must consist of:
- A brief narrative including firm history, biographical information about the principals, contributions to the profession, and contributions to the Houston community, design awards, or other recognition
- Firm brochure(s) if available
- Annotated PowerPoint or PDF presentation of major architectural projects
The Latinos in Architecture (LiA) collegiate mentorship and scholarship program, through AIA Houston and Architecture Center Houston, intends to bridge the gap between students and professionals in the Latino architecture community. The mentorship and scholarship program matches college students pursuing a career path in architecture with a mentor that has an established career in architecture.The program is for Latino students who are striving to influnece the future of the built environment and the architecture profession.
for the mentorship:
- Student pursuing a degree in architecture at the University of Houston, Rice University, or Prairie View A&M University.
- The program is open to both US citizens and foreign students.
for the scholarship:
- Students with at least one more academic year to apply scholarship funds directly to tuition.
- Students with full scholarships are not eligible.
The 2024-2025 program begins in September 2024 and concludes in May 2025.
- Regularly check in with an assigned mentor (at least 4 times). These meetings can be in-person, virtual, or via phone call.
- Participate in the kick-off event where they will meet the mentors. Kick-off will take place September 25 at 7pm.
- Participate in the portfolio review organized by the LiA Committee.
- Attend three LiA, AIAH, TSA or HNOMA sponsored events. Not including student chapters.
- Attend their university or college career fair.
- Submit a PDF on a project or portfolio at the end of the Fall semester.
- Submit a 10-minute video on a project or portfolio at the end of the Spring semester. The video should not be a recording of a class crit.
Students must participate in the listed activities to be considered for the scholarship. These activities are meant to support and complement the student's academic career.
Scholarships will be awarded based on student participation in the program and their end-of-the-semester submission reviewed by ajury.